Saturday 11 October 2014

Garden Photography Project ; Part One, The Writing

In CyberARTS this week, we were asked to go to our school garden and take photos of things that catch attention to our eyes. We were allowed to take 40 pictures, but in partners, 20 for each person. After, we were asked to narrow the pictures down to our top 10 for each partner. Once we completed that, each person had to take that top 10 and edited them in Adobe Photoshop. For most of my photos, I adjusted the brightness, contrast, saturation, vibrancy and cropped a few. Here are my 10 Garden Photos that I will explain in detail for each one, Hope you enjoy!

This photo is a picture of a Green Tomato. To take the photo, we angled our camera to the way we wanted it and focused it so we could get the sharp and beautiful colors. For editing it, their are not any major differences because I wanted to keep the natural green colors of the photo. I adjusted the brightness to emphasise the tomato, also so it can be the main focus of the photo.

This purple flower, was edited with contrast and brightness. I brightened it because I wanted the background to be lighter and I added contrast so the purple flower would stand out. An art principle for this photo again would be emphasis because the purple stands out from the green. We also focused the camera to get the little details of texture in the flower.

This beautiful sunflower is my favourite out all the photos. This photo is extremely focused because you can see the really small details like you would in reality when you are stand next to the flower. For editing purposes, I cropped some of the left side because the lighting was a little off. I lowered the brightness because I didn’t want the sunlight (the white part) to take away from the beautiful flower. Some contrast was also added. This photo has the element of texture because its like you can reach in and touch it.

This photo is a picture of some green leaves and some really pretty white flowers. This photo was brightened and contrasted. I brightened the picture because I wanted the green to stand out bright and bold. The contrast was also to blur out the background of the bricks to make the focus on the green. Although I faded the background a bit, I still wanted to show that there was something there to wrap the photo up. Some principles and elements of art are space and emphasis, Space because of the background being slightly blurred, and emphasis because of the green being the first thing that the eye sees.

This photo of the magenta flower was cropped, brightened, and contrasted. The crop was because there was a lot of things distracting from the main focus of the picture, (The Magenta Flower). This photo has space and emphasis as some elements and principles, Space because of the grass in the background emphasising the magenta flower.

This is a black mushroom, I added contrast to emphasis the black mushroom because it’s a little too hard to see it. The focus on this picture is excellent because you can see the little details of the mushroom, like its lines. I decided not to crop out the leaf because the photo needed some color and I thought that it would look very nice with the main colors in this photo, brown and black.

The next photo I took was of the orange flower. This photo was saturated, brightened, slightly contrasted and vibrancy was also added. I brightened the photo because the original picture was a little dark. The saturation, vibrancy and contrast was just again to add a bright and fun feeling to the photo. This photo also has radial balance because it has a fair balance of color and shape on each side.

This photo is a radish. I like this photo because we got a great focus and angle so you can see the little textured details. I contrasted the photo because I wanted the pink of the radish to be the main focus of the photo. The colors in this photo are a perfect combination of green, pink and brown. Plus, the photo has the rule of thirds because the actually pink radish part is on the side, the middle of its pink/green stem is in the middle and the top of the stem is on the left side.

This pink flower was not brightened (meaning I lowered the brightness). Vibrancy and saturation were added to make the pink flower stand out the most. The element of space is shown in the photo because the background of bricks look far, making the pink flower look closer to us. The focus in this picture is amazing because you can the little details of the petal.

This last photo is the green and black flower. I increased the brightness because the photo was a bit dark originally. After, I also added some contrast to make each flower stand out. The focus is very good in the photo because you can see this white stuff around the flower which is really cool. The elements and principles in this photo are texture and space. Texture because it looks realistic and it looks like the real thing if you were to touch it, and Space because the background looks farther and makes the actual plant pop out closer.

These are my ten photos, I hope you enjoyed looking and reading about them!

(Part Two with the photos is right above this post!)

~Miss Awesome <3

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